"To Everything There is A Season, and a Time for EVERY Purpose Under Heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

August 31, 2010

Good News or Bad News???

So, I went to my Rheumatologist today for a check up and clearance before my surgery.Come to find out I have low thyroid!

I had some blood work run a couple weeks ago and it can back low (she did a special type of Thyroid Blood Work that most Dr.s don't normally run for thyroid testing. Several Dr.'s over the years have tested me for Thyroid Disorder b/c of symptoms related to Thyroid Disease and this is the FIRST time it has EVER showed up!) It isn't severely low but because I am experiencing such severe fatigue she went ahead and put me on a low dose of Armour Thyroid medication. I will have a thyroid ultrasound when I return from Kansas City and am feeling some what better to check things out further!

I guess I could look at this as one more thing to add to my list of medical complications, diseases, etc. However, I am trying to learn to look on the bright side of things. So, I am viewing this as one of the reasons for my chronic fatigue and hoping that it is the cause of the chronic fatigue and not so much my Fibromyalgia.

All things aside I have been cleared for surgery from a Cardiac and Rheumatoid stand point. Now, if I could only clear myself in my head, my nerves, and my emotions I would be doing good!! LOL!

August 30, 2010

Counting Down...

As I sit here I am looking at the itinerary for our plane tickets to Kansas City along with the rental car reservations. Time is fast approaching for us to leave and for this "new" phase in my life to begin.
I say "new" because my prayer is that after this surgery and the healing process that I will feel much better and will be able to get a better grip on my Fibromyaligia and get back to "my old self" again! That would be wonderful!!! That is my prayer and I ask that pray that with me as well! 19 days and counting until we leave and 22 days until the surgery!!

August 27, 2010

Counting My Blessings!!

Today has been a really tough day for me; both physically and emotionally.

Yesterday, I was blessed to get a brand new bedroom set. We had to sell my other bed because it was too far off the ground and I had trouble getting in and out of it. So, we knew that it would be hard to get in and out of after surgery, especially since I am not supposed to climb stairs and my old bed had a step stool to get in and out of. Anyway, I was blessed to be able to get a gorgeous new white bedroom set with a dresser and a nightstand. I LOVE it! I feel like I am sleeping on the floor right now. I haven't quite got used to sleeping that close to the ground yet! LOL!
So, yesterday was filled with moving an endless amount of my possessions out from under my old bed and into my parents room so they could set up the new set. I do not know how I have acquired so many things over the past few years! The thing is though I clean out my room about twice a year and give stuff away! However, this stuff I need or want to keep for sentimental value. I still have not put everything back into my room because I haven't figured out what I am going to do with it all since I can't fit things under my new bed!

However, today was hard on me physically from picking up and pulling, pushing on things, etc. that I am not supposed to be doing with my back. I woke up in extreme pain and hurting all over my body! Thankfully, I was able to get some anti-inflammatory injections that worked! God blessed me with a dear friend that just happened to be coming to my house to bring me something else and she picked up my injections for me. Anyway, I digress....

Through all the pain and tears that literally came from no where. I realized how truly blessed I am! Yes, I may have a lot of things that need new homes in my room. But, many people don't have the problem of having too many things!

I thought how God has blessed my family and I over and over again to be able to make this trip to Kansas City for my surgery! We were able to get airline tickets for all three of us, round trip for under $600.00. The hospital is providing us with room and board in a beautiful hotel suite while we are there! My Dad's job has given him tickets for seven days free on the rental car! My insurance is covering this $60,000 + surgery for 100%! How much more could we possibly be blessed??

Now, I know the items that need a new place in my room are but just a small portion of the bigger blessings that God has bestowed upon me and my family!

I am forever grateful to have such a wonderful, graceful, and giving Heavenly Father! To HIM be ALL the GLORY and HONOR and PRAISE!!

August 24, 2010

My new season.....

I was diagnosed with Tarlov Cysts at the base of my spine a year ago. Tarlov Cysts are cysts filled with spinal fluid that spontaneously occur anywhere in the body. The cysts that I have are located in the sacral area of my spine. I have two cysts, one on each side of the spine, each one measures approx. 3cm. I also have several smaller cysts around the big cysts.

There are only five neurosurgeons in the U.S. that operate on this type of cysts.  The closest one to us is Dr. Frank Feigenbaum in Kansas City, MO. I have thoroughly researched Dr. Feigenbaum's credentials and spoken to several of his former patients. He has a very good reputation with his current and former patients and colleges. He called me him self the day he received my MRI films! I have been very impressed with his staff and feel that he is very capable of performing this surgery.

The surgery will be between two and three hours long. They will go in and remove a portion of the bone that is blocking access to the cysts. Then they will drain the cysts and cut the "feeder" from the spinal cord to the cysts. They will then wrap the sac of the cysts in pig pericardium (that is the tissue from the heart of a pig) so that the cysts cannot grow back. They will replace the bone with a substance that hardens to the consistency of bone so that I will not have any metal in me.

I will be in the hospital anywhere from two to four days. Then I will be discharged and my parents and I will stay at a hotel until my follow up appointment on Wed, Sept. 29th. We will fly home later that evening.

The recovery from this surgery is very slow. They said it could take up to a full year to get complete results. I will not be able to bend over, twist at the waste, pick up on anything over 8lbs, walk long distances, etc. For the first month I will have to lie in bed most of the time only getting up to move around a few times a day to prevent blood clots. Then I can resume activities as tolerated.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated for our travel safety as we are flying, for a successful surgery with minimal recovery and pain. Please pray for the Doctor and nurses that God would guide their hands during my surgery. Please pray for my parents as they are staying with me and for their peace about everything. Please pray for my sister, Grandmother, and other family members and friends that are here in Ponchatoula and cannot be with us. Most of all please pray that God would give me a peace about this surgery. I am really scared to have surgery on my back! I am praying for God's hands to touch me and give me HIS peace and comfort throughout this process.

I will update this blog as we get ready for this next season in my life. My parents will update this blog during my surgery and after wards while I am in the hospital.